Monkey Pox

Monkey Pox virus is a rash that presents as pimples or blisters. Infections usually present similar to the flu with rash that resolves in 2-4 weeks. ​

How is Monkey Pox spread:
Direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids
Respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex
Touching items (such as clothing or linens) that previously touched the infectious rash or body fluids
Pregnant people can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta

What are the symptoms of Monkey Pox:
Muscle aches and backache
Swollen lymph nodes

What to do if you have symptoms:
If symptoms present contact THD on call 918-595-4399 or your health care provider for recommendations for testing, screening and treatment. If you have been exposed self monitor 21 days from exposure. If symptoms occur isolate from others and contact THD on call or your health care provider.  

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